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The Input box specifies an input field where the user can enter data.

The Input field also support client-side validation.

Use Case

The input box is a core component in allow information to be entered into the system, as well as displaying existing information.

The input box can also be dragged into other components including: Sub-Form and Sub-Form+.


Interactivity is the ability of a web page or application to respond to user input.

There are a number of ways to add interactivity to Input boxes.

Some of the most common methods include:

  1. Change events: Change events are fired when the value of an input box is changed. You can use change events to perform a variety of actions, such as:

    • Validating the data entered into the input box
    • Displaying a message to the user
    • Enabling or disabling other input boxes on the form
    • Performing a search
    • Submitting the form
  2. Focus and blur events: Focus events are fired when an input box receives focus. Blur events are fired when an input box loses focus. You can use focus and blur events to perform a variety of actions, such as: *Highlighting the input box when it receives focus Changing the cursor style when the input box receives focus Clearing the value of the input box when it loses focus



Name Description
onChange (element) The onChange event occurs when the value of a field is changed
onFocus (element) The onfocus event occurs when a field gets focus
onBlur (element) The onblur event occurs when a field loses focus


Name Description Parameters
this.addClassName Add style class to a form item (fields: String|String[], className: String)
this.removeClassName Remove style class from a form item (fields: String|String[], className: String)
this.getComponent Returns a component whose id has been passed as a parameter (component_ID: String) : Object
this.getValues Gets the current values of all fields () : Object
this.hide Hides the field (fields: String|String[]) Displays the field (fields: String|String[])
this.disable Disable input field from user interaction (fields: String|String[])
this.enable Enable input field from user interaction (fields: String|String[]); (Value: Object) {'field-id': 'field-value'}
this.getValue Get A Value From a component (fieldName: String)
this.setData Set the data in the field. The Value object should be of type { componentId: componentValue } (Value: Object)


  1. The show() and hide() methods can also be used to control the visibility of the input component in response to user input.
  2. Fields refers to a component ID or a list of component IDs. You can fetch the ID from the Component Attribute panel in the Page Builder.
  3. Before using, make sure the component is hidden. This can be done using this.hide(fields) or by enabling the Hidden checkbox in the Component Attribute panel.
  4. Before using this.enable(fields), make sure the component is disabled. This can be done using this.disable(fields) or by enabling the Disabled checkbox in the Component Attribute panel.

Steps to use the methods for the Page Builder components

  1. Go to Form Attribute Action Panel Setting (Mounted | refresh | click 'Add action').
  2. Write the method/code as shown in the Example below.
  3. Click on Save.
  4. On the main screen click on Save again.
  5. Click on Preview to see the code in action.


  1. this.addClassName(fields, className)

    • Go to Form Attribute Style Sheets add the class
      .abc{ // abc is the class name
      background-color: red;
    • Follow the steps mentioned above, under Steps to use the methods for the Page Builder components
    • this.addClassName('input_h633hysc', 'abc')
  2. this.removeClassName(fields, className)

    this.removeClassName('input_h633hysc', 'abc')

  3. this.getValue(fieldName)

    var inputname = this.getValue('input_h633hysc');
    console.log('getValue', inputname);

  4. this.getValues()

    var data = this.getValues();

  5. this.hide(fields)

    var fields= ['input_h633hysc']


    var fields= ['input_h633hysc']

  7. this.disable(['fields'])


  8. this.enable(['fields'])


  9. this.setData(Value)

     {"input_h633hysc": "Hello",});

  10. this.getComponent('component_ID')

    var inputname = this.getComponent('input_h633hysc');
    console.log('getComponent', inputname);


Use the following syntax to add multiple classes to a component:

this.addClassName('componentID', 'class1', 'class2')


Name Description Icon
ID The input component's unique identifier
Name [Optional] The display name of the input field
Width [Optional] Width of the field
Label Width Width of the label associated with an input field. It determines the horizontal space occupied by the label text
Label Wrap If the label is longer than the allowed width the text will continue on another line
Hide Label Hides the label on the form
Placeholder The short hint is displayed in the input field before the user enters a value
Text Prompt A description to aid the user when completing the field
Max Length Limit the amount of characters the field supports
Default Value The default value which is filled in the field before the user changes it
Custom Class An HTML class attribute which allows further customisation See Form Attribute > Style Sheets
Attribute Action Enable Data Binding to connect the data to UI.
Enable Hidden action to hide the field.
Enable Disabled action to make the field unusable.
Enable Show Clear button action to make the clear button visible.
Enable Show Password action make the password visible.
Enable Show word count action make the word count visible
Action Settings Click on the drop-down to select the pre-defined methods you wish to apply to your component. In this case, you can choose either mounted or refresh for onChange, onFocus, or onBlur


Form validation is the process of checking the data entered into a form to ensure that it's valid and complete.

This helps to prevent users from submitting forms with invalid data, which can cause problems for the application that's processing the form.

Form validation can be performed using a variety of methods, including:

Name Description
Required If enabled, then the field value can't be empty, otherwise an error message is emitted
Select Several common type checks are provided in single-line text boxes such as string, URL, mailbox, etc.
Regular expressions Used to match patterns in text. They can be used to validate the format of data, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and dates
Custom Validation Rules (rule, value, callback) => {
rule: Verification rule, you can view the verification configuration information through this parameter; rule.field can get the field identifier of the current verification
value: Value of the current field
callback: Callback function (must be called) upon completion of validation; callback('Error message')/ callback(new Error('Error message')). These are two ways to return an error message


  1. Regular expressions should be wrapped with //, as in:/^1[3456789]\d{9}$/"
  2. The callback() function is also called to verify success in the custom validation method.

First time User?

If you are using the Page Builder components on the ConnexCS platform for the first time, we request you to use our guide on steps to use the Components.