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Environmental Variables


Your variables can be placed inside the env.

You can separate your code (logic) from your config.

The variables you create here will be accessible to the ScriptForge, Templates, Pages and the Button Builder.

You can save the variables via 2 methods as follows:

  1. this.env can be saved by using this.saveEnvVars(obj) in the Page Builder.
  2. Add Environmental Variables through ScriptForge: setEnvVar('key_name', 'value')

    • If type of value is String then use the below specified format:

          setEnvVar('key_name', 'value')

    • If the type of value is an object then use the below specified format:

          setEnvVar('key_name', JSON.stringify(value))

Steps for configuring the Variables

  1. Login to your account.

  2. Navigate to IDE Environmental Var.

  3. Select the App you wish to use the variables for.

  4. Enter the values for Key and Value fields.

  5. You can restrict access to your variables by utilizing the Flags option.

    • Protected: This flag is only relevant for the App feature and not the Repo or ScriptForge feature. The UI will nor be able to read the variable back. In simple terms, the user won't be able to read the value of the variable, it will return the entered value as ****.

    • Private: Private is only relevant for the App. Variable only made available to the ScriptForge, and not visible to either Pages or Templates.

    • Locked: Locked flag is relevant to both App and Repo. Here, the variable isn't published to Repo and can't be overwritten by any other variable from the Repo. The variable is locked into the App and can't leave it. Suppose, you update your application the repo won't able to extract the updated variable.

    • Default: This is only relevant to Repo. Suppose, your App colour is gray by default and a customer changes the colour to red after deploying the App. Now the default colour of the App will be red when deployed by another customer when Default flag is selected. Thus, upgrading this variable won't override any previously stored value.


  1. If you wish to keep the variable value a Secret like password etc., then you should use the Protected, Private and Locked flags.

  2. If your value is a Stripe Public Key, it should be Protected and Locked.

  3. Set a Default flag for an App Standard Colour.