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Setup Information Statement

Statement displays daily spending on your ConnexCS account, typically used when a customer has questions about billing.

Use the Columns section on the right to drill down based on Return on sales (ROS) and Values for detailed analysis.


Column Name Description
Date Date billed.
Date(Day) Day of billing.
Date(Month) Month of billing.
Date(Year) Year of billing.
Minutes Total (Actual) minutes processed by the system on that day.
Anyedge Cost Costs incurred associated with AnyEdge Usage.
Per Channel Cost Costs incurred associated with Cloudswitch usage when billed Per Channel.
Per Minute Cost Costs incurred associated with Cloudswitch usage when billed Per Minutes.
Call Recording Cost Costs incurred associated with Cloudswitch usage when billed Per Minutes.
Transcription Call transcription available.
Bill Units Shows the services used for the call, such as transcription, text-to-speech, and spam-scout, along with the cost breakdown for each service.
Top-Up Credits to the account from payments made.
Total Total difference for that day.